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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Help for Haiti

Are you looking for a way to make a difference in helping Haiti? Do you have a pit in your stomach, as I do, wondering how all of the people in Haiti who need help are going to get it? And in time?

The Rev has done some work with a wonderful organization called Family Health Ministries. They are a ministry whose primary mission is to support international communities in their efforts to build and sustain healthy families.

Our hope is that by building healthy families, we build healthy communities which in turn build a better tomorrow.

If you go to their website you will find updates on their teams located in Haiti. They have lost several of their own, and most of their Children, Friends, Staff, and Colleagues status' are unknown. Please keep them in your prayers.

I support missional living...and you can't get much more missional than FHM.

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