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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dinner Group

Quick update:
It's funny, we were SO healthy there for awhile.  Only one illness worth mentioning, and hit us!

In the past few weeks (feels like months!) we have endured several colds, pink eye, a UTI, a horrible stomach bug (JMonster) and now The Rev sounds like his lung might come out when he coughs.  

I am getting better now, it seems, and will be taking Emergen-C like my life depends on it. 

I don't think I've told you about our dinner group.  
Have I?

Some of our neighbors banded together a few months ago to have dinner together 5 nights a week.
(I know!  Some people say they would hate it, but we love it!)

One person cooks and we all go there for dinner.

Imagine, cooking and cleaning only ONE NIGHT A WEEK!
(We eat out on Fridays, or get pizza, and our church meets Saturday evenings and we do a potluck.  Thus the cooking only once a week.)

We didn't join initially because of JMonster's food allergies.
And my corn intolerance.

But after we were asked again to join and reassured everyone was willing to put up with our unique needs, we joined!

6 families were rotating for the 5 nights.

The 6th week you didn't have to cook at all!

We have wonderful community, extra time for our families, and it is even saving money.

Are there downsides?


For us the downsides are that most nights dinner is ready around 5:30 or 5:45...The Rev gets home around 5:30 and that is typically when we would go run.  On our own we usually eat dinner around 6:30 or so.

The other downside is that, as a family we have chosen to go organic, but we are the only ones in the group pretty much who do.

When we cook for everyone, we try and choose organic, free trade, free range, grass fed, etc...

When we are NOT cooking we aren't eating that way.

It's definitely something I think about, especially for JMonster and his longterm health!

But for now the positives far outweigh the negatives and we are LOVING our dinner group!

Do any of you do this?  Do you think you would like to?

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