Notice the flag behind him! That was one of the presents he asked for for his birthday.
We tried getting this last night before he went to bed. He was tired and, are two of the attempts. I'll let you see for yourself!
This first one is HILARIOUS! JMonster at his best.
He tried VERY hard with this one. It was late and he just couldn't stand in one place. :o)
None of these take very long. Hope you enjoy!
Please leave a comment telling JMonster what a great job he did!
JMonster - you are awesome!
Look out Swizz. He just might have as much energy as Jacob!!
I like his dancing. A lot.
Great job, JMonster! You are a mover-and-a-shaker, I tell ya! Great moves. Keep up the good work! Love, your second cousin Stephanie and her 2 little monsters
Oh, my!! The one where he's dancing is hilarious!
And, he did an awesome job saying the pledge!! =)
I'm so glad I finally got to see that! Hilarious!!!! You need to send it to Oprah. He'd get on for sure. Ha. Love and miss you! Holly
Hey, "lil sis", mebbe you got a future soldier or politician on your hands. Whatever you do, don't let him chase down a JD for himself. ;)
Oh, and if you use YIM, use this little thingie on your YIMs: **==
It'll make JMonster happy.
Dear JMonster,
What a great Pledger you are! You did so well with that pledge - and you're good at dancing too! I like how you got very excited at the end of the pledge.
I hate to ask...what is a YIM? Tell me, tell me! I gotta know!
Congratulations! You've learned the Pledge of Allegiance. That is very patriotic. I like your flag. You are a very smart young man.
Great Job!!
Enthusiatic as it gets, congratulations a very promising young man.
JMonster, you are a very talented young man! Watching your dancing makes me happy!
3? that means I have to wait how many years to vote for him? ;-)
I'm impressed with your logo. Someone did a nice job. I think YIM is Yahoo! messenger. I didn't know y'all were native Texans... Mr. Patterico is too? No one tells me anything.
Thank you on the logo! A friend designed it for me. I feel so professional. :o)
Yes, we are Texans. Although Patterico and I were both born in Chicago. He lived there until he was 4 and I moved when we (my twin and I) were 6 weeks old. So not quite Native, but we count it!
I know how you mean... I was born in Texas but then spent years 2-5 in Minnesota and I still feel an affinity for there. After we moved back to Texas whenever I heard Canadian geese overhead I would feel melancholy always. I don't hear them in California ever though.
Melancholy...over Canadian Geese? I'll ship you a few from my neighborhood here in Atlanta! Those darn things leave poop EVERYWHERE! :o)
They're fun to feed at our lake, fun to watch, but just look out for the "treasures" they leave behind.
Very cute, and "out of the mouths of babes...."
JMon, you make me proud!
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