Today was the last day of preschool for the year. It was also the day we found out, officially, that JMonster has Sensory Integration Dysfunction.
We've known since he was born that certain things don't sit well with him. He doesn't tolerate cold or heat, he hates loud noises (unless HE is making them), he avoids crowds (that includes parks with more than 3 or 4 other kids), he is picky about his food tastes and textures, and he is intolerant to light. He's also very behind in his gross motor skills and weak, but tends to be high energy.
All of these things combine into a kid who is highly empathetic, but also very needy.
I'm excited to find out about this diagnosis! Now we can DO something to help him. It may sound crazy to be excited about finding out that your child has a "difference", but he has it whether he is diagnosed or not and having a diagnosis just means we can understand him better and do something about it!
Do you have a child, or know a child, who has sensory integration dysfunction? I'd love to hear from you!
I know what you mean about relief from finding out a label. Of course, I'm familiar with it. Just try to find a kiddo with autism who doesn't have SID! Fortunately for us, Michael is not too affected. He is more the undersensitve type. Jacob is more of a sensory kid.
I can hook you up with all sorts of people who know about this!
I hope you have a great OT. Have they started working on a "sensory diet" yet? Have you read Out of Sync Child?
I know a lot of kids with SID. Our School director's kid has it. She did OT with her. She's doing great now.
And on another note, we had Ashlyn tested for dyslexia and get the results on June 22nd. I know this sounds weird, but in a way I will be relieved a little if she does have dyslexia. It would explain A LOT. If they tell me she doesn't not sure where to go from there, but I'm sure they will tell me what to do and give me the steps to take. She has done so well despite if she has dyslexia. I'm so proud of her.She has come a long way this year.
My oldest had the same thing (he's 22 now) long before they had a name for it. I'll be glad to share my experiences and provide treatment information we learned, but I won't do it online. I'll ask your brother to send you my email address. Feel free to contact me if you want.
Wow, I never knew how many people are affected with this thing. Thanks to all 3 of you for making me feel so included in this new "club".
When we get to College Station, one of our first goals will be to find a good OT. One who specifically works with SID.
I'm in the middle of reading Out of Sync Child. Eye opener! And so true, so true. I feel like crying, in a way, because he has dealt with this with so little help from me. We're actually doing some of the things right, but we can do so much better.
My oldest has pretty intense Sensory Integration issues. I figured it out when he was four and had to have all his clothing extremely tied so tight that they would break easily, waistbands and belts so snug they would leave marks. He was completely overwhelmed by crowds, birthday parties, noisy situations, etc.
We ended up at OT for about 6 months. I did brushing on him (and also on the other boys because it certainly can't hurt) multiple times a day for a year. Overall it is so much better. It is such a relief to figure out what it is and start working toward help vs. just worried your kid is crazy. Because at times he acts INSANE. Also, at times it is hard to decide whether something is a sensory issue or whether he is faking it for behavioral reasons. Complicated little people.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or need to vent in a way you can't put on your blog. I totally understand what you are going through because Ryan is now 8 and we have been through a lot.
Hang in there!
my oldest has sensory issues. She is sensory defensive, so lots of tag, clothing, food, sound, overwhelming type issues. Also sensory modulation dysfunction. She is 9. She was recently diagnosed with Aspergers which was not a surprise to me. She is very mild on the aspergers scale, but it took till she was 8 or 9 for me to really see that she was emotionally immature and not quite with it socially, etc. Two years ago I never would have imagined she would have aspergers! Sensory issues and her very literal/rigid thinking and her lack of ability to modulate herself into calmness are our biggest problems. I will try to check in again. Follow me on Twitter, I sometimes tweet about her meltdowns. Trying to find time to set up and blog about it too. I am @frelle.
I know numerous children with Sensory Integration Dysfunction (AKA Sensory Processing Disorder) because I am an OT who has worked in pediatrics for 15 years. I presently have the joy of working with infants & toddlers with an early intervention program. I am so glad to be the first one to work with these children, because it is soooo important to address the sensory problems ASAP. I give information on "red flags" on sensory problems on my website: Remember that even if you receive private or school OT services, it is SOOO important that the parents thoroughly understand how to adapt the home environment and their interactions with the child to better help with improvements in sensory integration. Therapy does help with remediation of problems, but you also need to know how to work with this child away from therapy sessions! good luck with your child!
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