Don't you hate it when someone says that? I've got Good News and I've got Bad News. In fact, JMonster said that in the car just the other day. Made me laugh. His bad news was he was having a hard time, his good news was he was having a terrific day. Couldn't quite figure out what he was having a hard time about. Hmmmmm...
So, now that I've prefaced this with an intro and even gave a hint in the last post, I will delay no more...
I'm moving. To Texas. It's not BAD, it's just sad and hard and very emotional. I tend to dig in and plant my roots, so ripping them out is painful and a bit difficult. We are going to live with family, which is the point of this whole ordeal, and that definitely makes it much easier. That being said, I'm having a hard time. I'm a bit leaky in the eye area, and I am a tad snippy, so bear with me these next few weeks.
Oh, did I forget to mention? JMonster and I move JUNE 1st! Yep, a few short weeks away. The Rev will stay behind to finish work (which could be as long as 18 months!) and to sell the house (which could be even LONGER in this economy!). If anyone is looking for a great house just outside of Atlanta, let me know!
I will still be blogging! Yippee! In fact, that will probably be one of the ways I will stay sane through all of this. It may not be as frequently these next few weeks, but I will prevail.
Change can be hard sometimes. I'm a firm believer that things have to happen for a reason. That and...what doesn't kill us will make us stronger! ;)
You know how I feel about Atlanta, but Texas is the heart of blog country, my friend.
Thanks, guys! I could use a little pick me up this evening. (sigh)
From what I'm picking up in the blogosphere, there are a lot of good, conservative citizens in Texas who are determined to pull this country back from the abyss the liberals are trying to throw it into. If you can stand the summertime heat, Texas sounds like a good place to live.
Aaaah - I'm sad for you and a little green at the same time; I'd love to move back to TX to be closer to family & friends. I will be praying for you! Change is hard
Yes, I know change is hard and moving is especially hard, but we are THRILLED to have you guys come back. What fun times we are sure to have together! Be sure to call us when you are ready to play...
Maria (for the Upton gang)
I know you are sad, but I'm glad you are coming back here. Maybe we can actually get together. I know you will be in CS, but we can meet halfway can't we? I would love to meet JMonster too. He is a cutie!
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