Once upon a time there was this girl (okay, technically she was a woman, but that makes her cringe so we'll use the term girl loosely here. Follow me now, people...) and she started a blog.
She started this blog to get her thoughts out of her head so her hubby wouldn't be vomited on as he walked through the door (once again, technically, she didn't REALLY vomit on him. Just words. But lots of them. All the time.) and so she could feel heard just a little bit.
But then she moved. Across the country. And lived with her manic sister. Who is also ADD. (Just testing! She doesn't read my blog, so now I get to talk about her in whatever fashion I want! And she can't say a darn thing!)
And now her blog has gone to pot (are we talking marijuana here? I think not. When we say gone to pot, what do we TRULY mean? Anyone know?) and she is sad that all of the things she has wanted to write about and show are still locked inside of her head.
It's time to take the key and unlock the door. And allow her to spew all of those stories, photos, and rantings en masse. All at once. In the span of just a few days.
Are you ready for the onslaught? Be sure to wear your rubber boots, raincoat, and carry your umbrella. It's about to pour...
Bring it on.
Just don't vomit on me.
I've wondered. Love, Mom
Yay, more posts!
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