The other evening my sister and I were watching a fun show called Deliver Me. It is a great show, but this isn't about that.
AFTER Deliver Me came a show about Homebirthing. This is a trend here in the US and overseas where pregnant women deliver at home with NO SUPPORT. Their husbands (or "partners") are there, but no mid-wife, doula, doctor, etc...
This isn't a debate about homebirthing.
Will you get to the point already? :o)
One of the first segments of the show was of an ob/gyn office in Great Britain. The waiting room was MASSIVE and pregnant women were EVERYWHERE! Most of them looked like they had been there for quite awhile and were digging in for the long haul.
All I could think as I saw that room is HERE is socialized medicine at its best. Long waits. Large waiting rooms filled to capacity.
Choosing to take away choice.
Ironic, isn't it?