After moving into what is supposed to be OUR new neighborhood (yes, I'm living with my sister and her family, but we own property just around the corner) I've been welcomed by the neighborhood grinch.
Those swimming lessons I was teaching? Helping people so their kiddos would be safe in the pool? No more.
A lady, who will remain nameless (since I don't actually KNOW her name) has glared at me from day one as I work ONE on ONE with a student in the pool. I know, I know, I MUST be in her way with 5 or 6 kids at a time! Nope, just me and ONE SMALL CHILD. Now she has complained and the head of our HOA has "taken it to the board" (who happens to be the head of the HOA, her partner, and the developer) and has also taken the matter to the neighborhood counsel (read attorney), as well as the insurance adjuster.
Until further notice, I may no longer teach swimming lessons in the neighborhood pool. Never mind that I'm a property owner and that most of my students are residents. Never mind that I'm actually making it so that more of the kiddos that live in the neighborhood are swimmers and less likely to drown. Never mind that there are MANY parents in the neighborhood that use me or local lifeguards to teach their kids here so they won't have to drive to a city pool.
ONE grumpy grouchy senior citizen, who complains about everything, complained. Now my extra income, WHICH WE NEED RIGHT NOW, is gone. (I have been offered a backyard pool for the time being, I think. Hopefully that will work out!)
I know it wasn't the Christian thing to do, but we packed up all 4 kids and called several friends and their kids and went swimming at 8:00 this morning...this lady's usual workout time. She's been upset about me working with ONE kid? I'll bring 10 and we'll play loudly and make lots of splashes. Bring it on.
WOW. I'm proud of your passive aggressive revenge. :)
Everyone has to have at least one neighborhood Nazi. We met ours the other night. He rang the bell and presented some "citations" that weren't even from the HOA - even though he presented them that way. Also, he had been in our backyard (which is fenced) to find one of the violations.
The behavior these people are exhibiting on a small scale is the same kind of behavior the Democrats are exhibiting on a national scale. It's supposedly done for the greater good but it really amounts to a desire to control what everybody else does and a total inability to just live and let live.
This country was founded with the idea of promoting the greatest freedom and liberty for all. Unfortunately some people just can't understand that. Such people usually cannot be reasoned with. They have to be defeated and made to back off.
ARgh - and when you're in a new neighborhood, don't you just want to make new friends - certainly not enemies. In the end, know that she's the grinch and you're a good person (even your passive aggressive side) *smirk*
eh, you've got every right to be there... as a property owner, I believe you even have the right to bring guests... depends on how tightly worded the HOA is I gather...
Though - People with nothing better to do than be on a HOA scare me...
Miss you love. Brian
That is crazy! She must not have much to do other than to cause trouble. I don't see the harm in doing swim lessons in a neighborhood pool. After all, you are a resident. How frustrating!
Go get her girl!!
go get them. summertime playgroup at the pool for the whole neighborhood.
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