These are things I have on my mind, but am open and willing to hear "the other side" of (so long as you are thoughtful and direct your argument at the topic and not at me...or at any other commentator.)
Am I wrong that...
1. If someone is so inclined to be against torturing terrorists to get information that will save 1, 100, 1000's or more people, that those same people would be inclined to be against the torturing of innocent babies (in utero or having just survived a botched abortion.). Hmmmm...
Am I wrong that...
2. If someone is here in the US working, and that work helps our economy, that it is possible for them to get a visa to do that work rather than be here illegally?
Am I wrong that...
3. If someone is a huge supporter of taxes for public assistance programs, shouldn't they put their money where their mouth is? If you think that the best organization for public welfare is the government, check that little box on your tax return and give even more money than is required. And stop looking for tax deductions or credits to put on your return!
Am I wrong that...
4. Adoption has become an elitist opportunity and we need major reform? It's sad that an adoption agency can keep all moneys paid by a couple...even if the couple doesn't adopt a baby because the birth mother or father backed out. It's also sad that it costs, in most cases, around $30,000. There are too many wonderful children waiting for families for this to be the case!
Am I wrong that...
5. Those of us that are in the "middle class" of the US are still being hit hard? How many of my friends and neighbors have lost their jobs in the last few months? Way too many.
Am I wrong that...
6. Owning a home is a privilege, not a right? Having a safe place to live is a right, owning it is another story.
Am I wrong that...
7. Many people that are considered lower income families wear more name brand clothes than I do? And own more electronics? Misplaced priorities?
Am I wrong that...
8. If someone comes into the country from another country where there is widespread disease (SWINE FLU!) they should be quarantined for the duration of the incubation period?
Am I wrong that...
9. More and more parents are failing at disciplining their children, mostly because they don't want their kids to not like them?
And finally, Am I wrong that...
10. Blogging is a fun and therapeutic way to interact with others! Especially if they leave comments!
So tell me, am I wrong?
Agreed. It is frustrating!
Ditto! I'm all over that. Agree 100%.
Anything you guys want to add to the list? ;o)
So excellent!! #1 came to mind when I received a rather strong comment about my FFFT post and stand on the whole torture issue, but let it be because I know the commenter means well and has her own strong opinions. I have to respect that. But yes, #1 is very interesting to me.
(thanks for the nice comment on MWOB today. I left a reply there, but wanted to make sure you knew about another connection you and I have. Oldest has a peanut allergy as well, along with egg and whey. Hubs and I consider him "God's little experiment" just for us, so that He could see whether or not we could handle the PKU. It took my two boys to convince me that there's no such thing as a coincidence. Sweet dreams! Em)
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